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Why are we doing this?

In our jobs, we are continually coming across people and organisations who would love to learn about other cultures and widen their horizons, but they are unable to access the resources and networks to allow them to do so.  We want to address this disparity between our different communities.



Why do people and organisations find it difficult to become more globally connected?



Staff and students often lack some of the new skills and knowledge required to respond to the needs of tomorrow; too often we are still teaching approaches and values that are no longer relevant and don’t have the confidence to be truly innovative.



Staff within institutions may have innovative ideas but often feel unsure of themselves and don’t have the confidence to put their ideas into practice because of institutional hierarchies and limited opportunities for experimentation.



Institutions across the world, especially in poorer countries, are unable to access the kinds of networks that many of us take for granted, to share and develop best practice and experience other cultures and attitudes.



Often, there is little institutional experience in accessing funding successfully or the funding available is limited; there is a lack of adequate, experienced support to design and manage projects.



Projects that should lead to institutional change falter as soon as funding ends, largely because the framework of funding is time-dependent and financially driven, even when many of the activities could be achieved far more economically or resources may be found without relying on public fundin

How Cascade can help through its Community in Action...


Training, Workshops and Summer Schools


Project Development and Implementation


Programme Design and Evaluation

Strategic Planning and Consultancy


Individual Coaching and Mentoring

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